YERWAY DESIGN is a playground of sorts where hidden, or in plain sight, portals may transport you to other worlds. A click anywhere may bring you to a tea-party with Alice and her pack of curious cats, on a nature walk with some greats minds of the past, and present, or even to an elegant cocktail party in the cosmos.
YERWAY DESIGN is also the story of me figuring out what Mom meant when she told me to 'FINISH' her Lifework's, 3
weeks before taking off from Earth,
26 years ago.
YERWAY DESIGN is also my updated creative services website with an additional service added.
Please connect if you're interested in collaborating, or poke around,
or think this is bogus and bolt.
I view life as a path we're all on. In YERWAY-LAND, it's called THE-WE-PATH. For most of my life, I was riding the road in circles, often aimlessly. I'd get to high-flying places, then crash, over and over, over and over. From January of 2013 to present, I've been in training, learning how to navigate more effectively upon the path.
In February of 2019, my 45th year of life, the path got super fun. It was then when I found what I was searching for. That being everyday joy, personal freedom within, and clarity of purpose.
Now (besides photographing the path), all I pretty much want to do is use the gifts I discovered along the path to reawaken and empower others' gifts. This was the essence of Mom's Life Work, too. She passed it to me, knowing long before me, our work along the path was similar.

We all have gifts. No exceptions. Unfortunately, many of us, including myself, lost touch with our gifts in the social conditioning mix. No one thing or person to blame, just the way it's been. But things are a-changing and a-brewing. Your gifts, if you haven't already found them, are waiting for you to rediscover and reclaim them.
Everything IS possible on THE-WE-PATH. Thinking otherwise is the only reason it's not. If these words and images are resonating with you, I hope you continue to explore. All sorts of inspiration and fun are scattered about.

Perpahs A-Place to Find Some IN-SPIRATION?
Here is my INSPIRATION-LAND on the interwebs where I stockpile all things in life that keep me smiling, inspired, joyful, curious, jazzed, overjoyed, etc. It's also a place I
will be highlighting the work of some of the magnificent humans who have inspired and guided me along my path.

The creation of YERWAY DESIGN is a joint venture with Mom, Nature & Every
Teacher & Guide that has crossed my path & encouraged me to keep going.