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cuz I need to fill space here to balance this section out and the below poem just popped into my head.  

To crack a nut you must open and shut the mouth of a gallant gent who's there to help at your command, without charging a cent.  Are you a nut who's is a rut and needs my help to get you out?.  I'll crack your shell and go for the gut charging a fee no doubt. 

Wrote the above in 8th grade, comparing a Christmas Nutcracker to  a psychologist. Was familiar with therapy because my parents made my sisters and I go when they were getting divorced. My 8th grade English teacher didn't believe I wrote it, asking me where I got it from. I told her my Mom and I creatively collaborated on, which we 100% did. She still didn't buy it. 

Creative Design Ideas Imagination Modern

From the vantage point I'm at, now, I sincerely thank the struggles, the tears, and the profound confusion at times. I'd have it no other way because 'I think' a large part of my present happiness is due to the climbs (and falls). If it was easy, the elation and elevation wouldn't be so rich, I think.  


I now find myself at a point along the path where I want to be in service, as a guide, to anyone who may be resonating with the vibe of YERWAY-LAND, and desires to ride upon a brighter, lighter path. This guidance could also take form in providing creative services. In my opinion, we're all co-creating all the time, and during this time of great change, we all need to become the architects of our own lives. "Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself." Walt Whitman. ​



Some creative ways of mine.  








n. when the moon's reflection on the water seems to follow you as you walk. 


n. The sound of the wind in the trees

Words that inspire me 

"Earth is a school for mastering how to manipulate energy". Dolores Canon


n. the glittering layer of ice that dusts leaves, twigs, and grass after the freeze. 


n. The Earthly smell that follows a rainfall


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